BrahmGyan : Non-Duality : Ultimate Truth


गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥

From the previous blogs, you have understood that your real nature is that of an Experiencer, who is eternal, continuous, and omnipresent consciousness experiencing every experience. You have also learned that everything except you is an Experience, which is also eternal and continuous, omnipresent. In the process of realizing this, you might have also noticed that The Experiencer & The Experience are always present together. You will never find yourself, the Experience devoid of the Experiencer or an Experiencer not having an Experience. So you might be curious to know what the relation between the Experiencer & Experiences is, as they are mutually exclusive but always found together. In this blog, I will strive to provide some perspective on the relation between these two. However, to understand this, you will first need to fully understand your true nature, i.e., you should have AtmaGyan.

To begin, first, try to bring your full attention to the knowledge of self. You are something that experiences everything, but you are not an experience, so you can’t be experienced. You are something that is not located in any specific location, so try to contemplate where you are. After some contemplation, you may conclude that you are here and now. Try to contemplate on this until you either accept or reject this idea; don’t just believe it.

In the previous blogs, you understood that the experiences of the World, Body, and Mind are the same; they are essentially the same mental experiences. Let's try to understand this again with an example. The blog you are reading now on any screen of your desktop or maybe phone, try to locate the geography of this screen. Probably your first thought would be that this screen is a few inches away from your eyes, so the real you and the screen are at different locations.

Perhaps this illusion of separation is occurring because you have accepted the belief that your hand, which is holding the phone screen, and the screen are separate entities. Let's try to analyze this.

Try to think about where you are really seeing this phone. Is it in front of your eyes, or have your eyes captured the image, and you are seeing a mental image of the phone? Try to contemplate on this for some time. You will come to the conclusion that the phone you are seeing is just a mental experience. Now, look at the hand that you have always called yours. Is this hand in front of you, or is this too a mental experience? The conclusion would be the same: this hand is also a mental experience. Now, try to bring your attention to the sensation that is happening in the hand due to holding the phone screen and think: where is this sensation? You can again conclude that this sensation too is a pure mental experience. Now, try to bring your attention to the thoughts arising due to reading this blog. Where are these thoughts? Your answer will remain the same, that these thoughts are in the same place as the phone screen, sensation of holding the phone, or your hand. All of these experiences are happening exactly in the same place.

All the experiences that you have seen are nothing but mental experiences. Even the distance between you and the closest wall is nothing but a mental experience.

Probably now you will think, where is this mental experience? Probably it is somewhere under your skin, but you can also easily discard that, as if someone cuts a body or does an x-ray, they will not find any mental projection, but only organs.

Now, try to think: what is this place where all the mental experiences are present? Your answer would be exactly the same as where you are, i.e., here and now. The Experience and Experiencer are always here and now. There is no separation between them; in fact, they are always one, and the relation between Experience and Experiencer is one of Unity. This knowledge is called BrahmGyan. And you are nothing but nondual Brahm. This is the ultimate truth: everything that you experience around you is an illusion.

This blog will only be understood by seekers who have already understood who they really are, i.e., the Experiencer (AnubhavKarta). I wish you progress in your spiritual journey and the establishment of yourself in your true self.


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